Spanish " Briquet " Model 1840 Sword 10 / 300 -
Finnish Knife w/ Scabbard 14 / 300 -
Large Spanish Navaja Folding Knife 16 / 300 -
Imperial German Drum Hanger 17 / 300 -
Imperial German Drum Hanger 18 / 300 -
Medieval Iron Buckles, 14th-15th C. 19 / 300 -
Japanese Officers Gunto Sword, WWII 22 / 300 -
Decorative Chinese Spear Head 23 / 300 -
Afghani Powder Horn, 19th-20th C. 26 / 300 -
Early Tibetan Dpa'dam Battle Sword 28 / 300 -
Native Beaded Knife or Short Sword 30 / 300 -
Zulu Knobkerrie Club 34 / 300 -
Philippines Finial Staff 38 / 300 -
Philippine Figural Ceremonial Staff 40 / 300 -
Scarce Albanian Rat Tail Pistol 43 / 300 -
Civil War 8lb US Cannon Ball 46 / 300 -
Moroccan Powder Flask, 19th century 50 / 300 -
A Fine Quality Rifle Case 52 / 300 -
M1889 Style German Officers Helm 53 / 300 -
Saxon Garde Style German Helm 54 / 300 -
WWI Style Prussian or German Helm 55 / 300 -
Old Imperial German Style Helmet 56 / 300 -
Old Imperial German Style Helmet 57 / 300 -
Military Horse Trapping, 20th C. 58 / 300 -
Old Gothic Elbow, 19th C. or later 62 / 300 -
Colima Male Strapped to Bed 68 / 300 -
Colima Sick Male Strapped to Bed 69 / 300 -
Colima Archaic Standing Shaman 70 / 300 -
Large Colima Seated Flat Female 74 / 300 -
Chinesco Type C Woman Carrying a Pot 75 / 300 -
Fine Female Kneeling Nayarit Figure 76 / 300 -
Pre-Columbian Bowl w/Human Figures 86 / 300 -
21 Majapahit Pottery Head Fragments 88 / 300 -
Two Tlatilco D-2 Type Heads 89 / 300 -
North Syrian Pottery Ram, 1500 BC 90 / 300 -
Nazca Polychrome Painted Kero 91 / 300 -
Three Maya Pottery Heads, 600-900 AD 92 / 300 -
Ancient Polychrome Bowl 96 / 300 -
Chupicuaro Bowl 100-300 BC 97 / 300 -
Central American Stone Stargazers 99 / 300 -
Kneeling Toltec Marble Figure 100 / 300
Photos 1 - 100 of 300
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