As is the case with most estate sales and auctions, all sales are as-is and final. We make no guarantees and you cannot bring anything back.
Sales tax will be charged.
A buyers premium of 15% will be charged.
All items must be paid, on-line by Thursday September 16th at 6pm, so we can schedule pick up. Square and PayPal is enabled on this auction, so you should be able to pay with a credit/debit card through square or use PayPal. Pick-up will be at a public location in Etowah, NC. This will be announced only to bidders who have won the auction of their item. Pick up will be on Saturday, September 18 from 12:00 - 3:00pm. Place to be announced. If you have a problem with the pick-up time, please call and let us know immediately.
We may use words, like, - retro, antique, vintage, old, primitive, rustic, etc. in pricing and describing items on tags, pictures, and at live auctions. These are descriptive words and are no guarantee of age. We have no guarantees of any kind. You are buying what you see and the items are "as is" and no returns. We are describing items as what we believe they are, or what our consigner tells us that they are. For example, we may say "brass". This means that we believe to the best of our knowledge that it is "brass", However, if it is not "brass" you are still buying what you see. Once you bid during an auction on an item it is a binding contract. You must pay for the items and we have no refunds. Payment must be made after the auction ends. If you do not pay you will be blocked from this point from all of our future auctions and legal action will be taken. Your name may be put on a no-pay list on auction platforms. When you use our online auctions, you must include your address and phone number when registering. This is required and are rules that we must follow as an auction company.
If you pay for an item and don't pick it up, it will then be considered abandoned by the bidder. It then becomes the property of Mount Pisgah Auction Company. We will then do with it as we wish. Which may include resale, donated, or disposed of.
We reserve the right to withdraw items as requested by the seller, change descriptions of items at any time, cancel a sale at any time, change a price if no one has bid, have reserves and starting bids, or refuse a bid for any reason. We are not responsible for any accidents as a result of this auction, accidents on the property where items are being sold, or accidents during pick-up. We are not responsible for the working conditions of electronical items or any items. All items are as is. If we see a defect in an item, we will tell you. However, we are not responsible for defects that we may not see. It is possible that we may miss something. The bidder holds this auction company blameless for any issues as a result of this auction or any technical issues on this platform or any issues with paying on those platforms. Announcements the day of the on-site, on-line auction, or tag/ estate sale take precedence over any previous verbal, written or published information.
We reserve the right to change the times of sales, open early, or close early, due to parking, weather, or any other concerns, this includes online auctions as well. We also, reserve the right to change the times and days of pickup due to weather, sickness, issues that a consigner may face, or any other issue. We will work with the buyer on another pickup time in those cases.
Contact Information:
Christopher Ritter
828-290-2775 NCAL # 10210 NCFL #10259