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Original framed, matted, signed and numbered color lithograph created 1976. Ready to be enjoyed. From "Harold Altman was an American painter and printmaker best known for his color lithographs depicting Central Park, the parks of Paris, and rural Pennsylvania towns. With a high degree of photographic realism, he captures the subtle atmospheric conditions endemic to each of the city parks he represents. Born on April 20, 1924 in New York, NY, Altman went on to study at numerous important institutions: the Art Students League, the Black Mountain College, the Academie de la Grande Chaumiere, and the Cooper Union Art School. Throughout his career, he divided his time between Paris, France and Lemont, PA, where he moved when he began teaching at Pennsylvania State University in 1962. Today, Altman’s works can be fouond in the collections of the Albright-Knox Gallery in Buffalo, the Art Institute of Chicago, The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, The Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Walker Art Center, and the Stedelijk Museum of Amsterdam among others. Altman died on July 28, 2003 in Lemont, PA."

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