Photo 85 of 1500 photos

Please view all pictures to determine if the condition meets your personal standards. Please ask any questions that you may have before bidding to ensure your complete satisfaction. We are not able to cancel bids. We do not charge any Buyer's Premium because is not charging any commission due to COVID. Sales Tax (6.85%) must be paid in full along with the winning auction price total. Thanks for your interest and BEST OF LUCK!

View Listing Windsor (Water Valley) Contemporary Home - PART 2
Craigslist Code

Please note that Craigslist has stopped allowing external images as well as most html tags in their "for sale" listings. Your template will still have a full link to your sale and your sale photo gallery.

Preview your Craigslist template

  1. Go to Craigslist and find your city.
  2. Under For Sale, click on the Garage Sale category.
  3. Click on the Post link in the upper right corner of the page.
  4. Choose the Garage Sale category and then select your area. Craigslist doesn't have an Estate Sale category and this is the closest match.
  5. Add the title of your sale and the location.
  6. Add your email address and keep it anonymous to prevent spam.
  7. Copy & Paste the html code below into the Posting Description text box.
  8. Click Continue to add photos and publish your sale. You will receive a confirmation email from Craigslist to verify the sale. Activate your sale by clicking the link in your email and your done!
  9. Craigslist allows you to re-post your ad every 48 hours. Re-post any sooner and your ad may be subject to removal.
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