Seller Profile

K and E Arts K. Nielson
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  • Join Date
    Feb 18, 2022
Current & Past Sales

This user has conducted a total of 2 sales.

Collectors Estate sale with Mid Century Modern, lots of brass, vintage home decor, folk art from around the world, indigenous American baskets, Native American pottery, blown glass, swung glass, Art glass, depression glass, stretched glass. Pickup ...

Bidding closed Tue. Apr 12, 2022 at 6:19 PM MDT

Amazing estate sale with items from the Mid Century, Depression era, Modern and so much more. Amazing collector brand like Cathrine Holm, Lustro Ware, Murano, Mackenzie Childs, RARE T.L. Plum bear set, Disney, Dansk, Gucci, Elvis, Syroco and so many ...

Bidding closed Sat. Mar 12, 2022 at 6:59 PM MDT
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