KR. Brooks Firearms & Military Collectables shop.

Marlin 22 cal slide , with Mag.

Ships from 01606
Marlin 22 cal slide , with Mag.

Marlin 22 cal slide , with Mag.

Slide action, 22 LR,, blue 80%, bore clear and good rifling, action smooth and locks .

Categories: MilitariaFirearms
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    Return Policy Guidelines of KR. Brooks Auctions. All guns and accessories must be clearly marked in the listing as No Return or the guns and accessories will have a return policy of three (3) calendar days from the day the item(s) are received by the buyer or delivered to the FFL acting for the buyer. The item may be returned for any reason, but the buyer must notify the seller within the three (3) calendar day inspection period. The buyer must start the return within the next three (3) calendar days to receive a complete refund, less all shipping, transaction fees and FFL charges. Once the firearm has been received by the seller and inspected, the seller will take 3 days also for inspection then a prompt refund within 13 days of receipt. Shipping from the buyer must be started and received by the seller within 12 days of the original return date. The return shipping must be of equal shipping level, including insurance i.e.... Priority, Express, Blue Label etc. The return item MUST be in the same condition as when shipped to the buyer. This is an inspection period only, a gun is not to be fired or disassembled. Sellers written permission is required to allow the buyer to take down a takedown model during the inspection period. Upon the receipt and inspection of the returned gun, the seller agrees to issue a prompt refund after the seller has 3 days to inspect gun and complete the transaction in a total of 13 days. Return fee's for the buyer are, FFL charge $30.00, Handling $30.00 and buyer assumes all shipping charges.

    The shipper of the gun or gun part who does not purchase insurance accepts the risk of damage or loss, be it the seller shipping initially or the buyer returning.

    In the event a firearm or other purchase arrives damaged in shipping, the shipper and receiver must cooperate to file a damage claim with the carrier. Typically, the firearm and packing is inspected at the receivers address. However, the shipper is responsible to file the claim. No action should be taken until the carrier has instructed on how to proceed. Neither shipper nor receiver will impede the claim. Refunds are not contingent upon the claim. In the event the buyer receives a damaged firearm, the seller will not wait for the claim to be processed to issue the buyer a full refund. In the event the firearm is damaged when a buyer is returning a firearm to the seller they will need to proceed with the claim for their refund. If no insurance by the buyer the buyer accepts the lost and will have to file a claim with the shipper.

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Terms & Conditions

Return Policy Guidelines of KR. Brooks Auctions. All guns and accessories must be clearly marked in the listing as No Return or the guns and accessories will have a return policy of three (3) calendar days from the day the item(s) are received by the buyer or delivered to the FFL acting for the buyer. The item may be returned for any reason, but the buyer must notify the seller within the three (3) calendar day inspection period. The buyer must start the return within the next three (3) calendar days to receive a complete refund, less all shipping, transaction fees and FFL charges. Once the firearm has been received by the seller and inspected, the seller will take 3 days also for inspection then a prompt refund within 13 days of receipt. Shipping from the buyer must be started and received by the seller within 12 days of the original return date. The return shipping must be of equal shipping level, including insurance i.e.... Priority, Express, Blue Label etc. The return item MUST be in the same condition as when shipped to the buyer. This is an inspection period only, a gun is not to be fired or disassembled. Sellers written permission is required to allow the buyer to take down a takedown model during the inspection period. Upon the receipt and inspection of the returned gun, the seller agrees to issue a prompt refund after the seller has 3 days to inspect gun and complete the transaction in a total of 13 days. Return fee's for the buyer are, FFL charge $30.00, Handling $30.00 and buyer assumes all shipping charges.

The shipper of the gun or gun part who does not purchase insurance accepts the risk of damage or loss, be it the seller shipping initially or the buyer returning.

In the event a firearm or other purchase arrives damaged in shipping, the shipper and receiver must cooperate to file a damage claim with the carrier. Typically, the firearm and packing is inspected at the receivers address. However, the shipper is responsible to file the claim. No action should be taken until the carrier has instructed on how to proceed. Neither shipper nor receiver will impede the claim. Refunds are not contingent upon the claim. In the event the buyer receives a damaged firearm, the seller will not wait for the claim to be processed to issue the buyer a full refund. In the event the firearm is damaged when a buyer is returning a firearm to the seller they will need to proceed with the claim for their refund. If no insurance by the buyer the buyer accepts the lost and will have to file a claim with the shipper.

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Terms & Conditions

Return Policy Guidelines of KR. Brooks Auctions. All guns and accessories must be clearly marked in the listing as No Return or the guns and accessories will have a return policy of three (3) calendar days from the day the item(s) are received by the buyer or delivered to the FFL acting for the buyer. The item may be returned for any reason, but the buyer must notify the seller within the three (3) calendar day inspection period. The buyer must start the return within the next three (3) calendar days to receive a complete refund, less all shipping, transaction fees and FFL charges. Once the firearm has been received by the seller and inspected, the seller will take 3 days also for inspection then a prompt refund within 13 days of receipt. Shipping from the buyer must be started and received by the seller within 12 days of the original return date. The return shipping must be of equal shipping level, including insurance i.e.... Priority, Express, Blue Label etc. The return item MUST be in the same condition as when shipped to the buyer. This is an inspection period only, a gun is not to be fired or disassembled. Sellers written permission is required to allow the buyer to take down a takedown model during the inspection period. Upon the receipt and inspection of the returned gun, the seller agrees to issue a prompt refund after the seller has 3 days to inspect gun and complete the transaction in a total of 13 days. Return fee's for the buyer are, FFL charge $30.00, Handling $30.00 and buyer assumes all shipping charges.

The shipper of the gun or gun part who does not purchase insurance accepts the risk of damage or loss, be it the seller shipping initially or the buyer returning.

In the event a firearm or other purchase arrives damaged in shipping, the shipper and receiver must cooperate to file a damage claim with the carrier. Typically, the firearm and packing is inspected at the receivers address. However, the shipper is responsible to file the claim. No action should be taken until the carrier has instructed on how to proceed. Neither shipper nor receiver will impede the claim. Refunds are not contingent upon the claim. In the event the buyer receives a damaged firearm, the seller will not wait for the claim to be processed to issue the buyer a full refund. In the event the firearm is damaged when a buyer is returning a firearm to the seller they will need to proceed with the claim for their refund. If no insurance by the buyer the buyer accepts the lost and will have to file a claim with the shipper.


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