Vintage Alligator Purse

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Vintage Alligator Purse

Vintage Alligator Purse

Vintage Alligator Purse, 12 x 8 ½ x 3 ¼ inches with 16 or 23 inch handle, marked inside flap with stamp “Genuine Alligator, Made in Cuba”, probably 1930’s-40’s, some wear to the stitching on the bottom, some soiling that needs to be gently cleaned from the leather, wear to the lining of the handle, there is a slight tear on one loop of the handle near a snap, wear to the lining at the folds, classic vintage purse that needs a little restoration, the handle is adjustable by rearranging the snaps which is a tricky operation and does not make it a true shoulder bag when lengthened, there are 2 front flaps which are padded and crossed in front, the catch is for the larger compartment which has a zippered pouch sewn to the back lining, the left flap opens to a slightly narrower compartment accessed only by holding both flaps open, again tricky but sure to foil pickpockets, well used and well loved, the lining is a faux suede on cloth which is attached to the thin layer of alligator leather, the layers are woven together by braiding with plastic cord like that used in camp projects, the wear of the lining is most obvious on the handle and along the openings inside, the area of the rings for the handle are also a little depressed from the handle being folded over, a very substantial purse with weight, probably very chic at one time, maybe once again.

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